
Showing posts from 2014

Heroine's Journey worksheets available

I’ve just published a revised edition of my Heroine’s Journey worksheet! It’s $2.99 on Kindle , iBooks , Kobo , Nook , and Smashwords . Here’s more information about it: I was asked to describe my Heroine’s Journey many times and I even taught several workshops on it at writer’s conferences, and so I decided to write a more detailed worksheet on the subject. I read about the Heroine’s Journey from several books and compiled what I learned here in one place. This is the same worksheet I myself use for my own novels. Why the Heroine’s Journey? Sometimes the story arc of a female character will differ from the traditional Hero’s Journey because culture and time period will affect the character in accordance with her gender. This will create specific psychological differences in how a male and female character will respond to conflict in a story. Joseph Campbell’s original book is based on the writings of psychoanalysts and the world myths. The Hero With a Thousand Faces is a psych...

Synopsis worksheets available

I managed to update and add lots of new stuff to my Synopsis worksheets, and they are now available on Kindle , iBooks , Kobo , Nook , and Smashwords for only $0.99. There are new examples in the worksheet, and I also added an Appendix. Here’s the info on the updated worksheet: Has your fiction manuscript been rejected by literary agents or traditional publishing houses, and you're not sure why? Do you feel something's "off" with your novel, but you don't know what? Sometimes the problem isn't the writing—it's the characterization or the overall story structure. If you think this might be a problem with your manuscript, you don't want to pay for a freelance editor when you could fix those story elements yourself. The Story Sensei’s Synopsis worksheet was designed as a way for fiction writers to not only write a synopsis, but also doctor their own manuscript by utilizing a large-scale, bird’s eye view of their stories. This different way of l...

I now have a Story Sensei newsletter

Hey everybody! I'll be releasing my Story Sensei worksheets as ebooks in a few weeks. I'll be posting about them here on this blog, but if you'd also like emails sent to you when they're available, feel free to subscribe to my Story Sensei newsletter below. I won't clog up your email Inbox--For the first few months, I'll send one email a month because I'll be releasing my worksheets about once a month, but then after that I will only send out emails when I have a new Story Sensei product or a sale. I tend to have new worksheets only about once a year. Thanks a bunch! Subscribe to Camy's Story Sensei mailing list * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name

Need endorsement blurbs for worksheets

Hey everybody! Some of you may have noticed that I took down the buy buttons for my worksheets on my website. I am in the process of formatting them to release them as ebooks on Kindle, Nook, iBooks, and Kobo. If you bought my worksheets, please email me at storysensei [at} with the email address and/or name you used when you bought your worksheet(s) so that I can locate your order. Then I’ll be sure to email you an .epub or .mobi copy of your worksheets when they’re updated and formatted. Would you like to be featured in the description of the worksheets on,, iBooks, and I am looking for endorsement blurbs to put in the description of the worksheets when they’re uploaded as ebooks. So if you bought my worksheets, please email me a one or two sentence endorsement blurb about them. If I choose your endorsement, I’ll contact you about how you want to be listed (for example, by your full name or by initials, with your blog or w...

IndieRecon free online conference

I just learned about this conference today! I already registered and hope to participate next week. It looks like all the "events" will be archived but I'd like to sit in on some of the live events. I pulled this from their website : 15 reasons why you should register for IndieReCon Today!   1. Keynote speakers J.A. Konrath and Barry Eisler are hosting a two hour chat to honestly answer any questions you have. 2. Find out how to face your fears and how to focus on your writing, being creative, and writing to your readers with Bob Mayer, Alicia Vancil, RaShelle Workman, Susan Kaye Quinn, Orna Ross, C.S. Lakin, and Rachel Aaron. 3. Find out all the nitty gritty details on self-publishing basics like pricing, distribution, and formatting from top industry professionals like Miral Sattar, Peter Bowerman, Joel Friedlander, and The Passive Guy (David Vandagriff). 4. Build your marketing skills and publicity skills with K.P. Simmons (InkSlinger PR), David Gaughran, Lori...