Proposals—Comparative/Competitive/Marketing Analysis

This is a page or two listing books similar to yours but different in some way. This is to show how your book would both fit in and stand out from the books already in print.

Make sure the books you list aren’t too old. List recent titles over older ones.

Show clearly how the books are similar, but also show clearly how yours differ. For example:

Embryo Factory: The Stem Cell Wars by Rev. Richard A. Humphrey and Dr. Loren J. Humphrey, ACW Press, 2003.
This Christian suspense dives deep into the complex moral and technical issues surrounding stem cell research, using a minister and a physician as protagonists. Bitter Dragon also deals with stem cell research, but takes the issue a step further into human cloning and fetal tissue harvesting for disease therapy, with a backdrop of action and adventure pushing the Asian heroine into danger.
