Waiting on God devo

My friend Tina Russo sent me this devotional she received. I love it--it's so appropriate for writers, whether published or unpublished.

And if you're not Christian, well, you don't have to read this post.


Waiting on God
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1 by Os Hillman
Sunday, August 10 2008

"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you
compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who
wait for Him!" Isaiah 30:18

Have you ever noticed that God is not in a hurry? It took 40 years
for Moses to receive his commission to lead the people out of Egypt.
It took 17 years of preparation before Joseph was delivered from
slavery and imprisonment. It took 20 years before Jacob was released
from Laban's control. Abraham and Sarah were in their old age when
they finally received the son of promise, Isaac. So why isn't God in
a hurry?

God called each of these servants to accomplish a certain task in His
Kingdom, yet He was in no hurry to bring their mission into
fulfillment. First, He accomplished what He wanted in them. We are
often more focused on outcome than the process that He is
accomplishing in our lives each day. When we experience His presence
daily, one day we wake up and realize that God has done something
special in and through our lives. However, the accomplishment is no
longer what excites us. Instead, what excites us is knowing Him.
Through those times, we become more acquainted with His love, grace,
and power in our lives. When this happens, we are no longer focused
on the outcome because the outcome is a result of our walk with Him.
It is not the goal of our walk, but the by-product. Hence, when
Joseph came to power in Egypt, he probably couldn't have cared less.
He had come to a place of complete surrender so that he was not
anxious about tomorrow or his circumstances.

This is the lesson for us. We must wait for God's timing and embrace
wherever we are in the process. When we find contentment in that
place, we begin to experience God in ways we never thought possible.
