Q&A: Manuscript format

Jeris asked:

I'm in the process of formatting my novel and need to know whether the entire manuscript is saved as one file or separate files within a folder.

I started to save it as one file, but realized the header wouldn't be correct--"Chapter One" wouldn't work with the other chapters.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Also, are there any helps when using Word 2007?

Camy here: Yes, your entire manuscript should be saved as one file. That will make it easier for an editor or agent if they want the electronic version of your manuscript.

Some agents/editors actually prefer the electronic version, although some want the electronic version as just a supplement to the hard copy version, and they ask you to send both.

Your header should simply be your name, the title of the manuscript, and the page number. Check out my manuscript formatting article for more info on that. Don't put the chapter number in the header.

For Word 2007, I have found a lot of information simply by Googling "Word 2007" and then whatever question I have, such as headers or margins or whatever. Forum boards are usually very helpful. Computer people like helping others who are confused, I guess!

I hope this helps!

If any of you guys have any other questions for my Q&A series, just leave a comment and I'll be sure to get to it!


  1. Thanks again, Camy. I just went and read over your manuscript formatting article which was very helpful, especially the Word tips.

  2. This is so helpful to have a series where we can ask questions. thanks, Camy.
    Here's one: Is it unheard of to have a three-book series comprised of a historical romance, a straight historical with romantic elements, and then another romance? The series follows several members of the a family. Is it a big no-no to cross genres, even though they're historical?
    Thanks ahead of time!


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